All the valuable information i found has been shared here...feel free to comment and Kudos to the scientists and astronomers who found out the info for us

Monday, April 11, 2011

Stars-the Real Creators of everthing that comprises our universe

Stars they are everywhere and they rule the universe...
They are born in violence and when they die, they fill the universe with stardust the building blocks of life..all life begins in the firey core of a star.
How many stars do you think are there in the universe..?
The ones you see at night are just the few hundreds of 100 billion stars that are in our galaxy and as a matter of fact there are more than 100 billion galaxies in the universe.
There are more stars than there are specs of sand on earth.
All these stars are very Far away from earth and there isnt much we know about them but there is one star which is really close to the earth our very own Sun its nothing but a star.
Our Sun is the ultimate source of energy and hence it dominates all life on earth.
Seen from the earth the Sun looks small but in actuality its Immense,we could fit a million earths inside the sun which is a million miles in diameter.
Yet our sun is nothing compared to the really big stars out there
Eta Carinae- over 5 million times larger than our sun.
Betelgeuse- 300 times larger than Eta Carinae.
And the biggest star ever discovered
VY Canis Majoris- A billion times Bigger than our sun.

Stars Burn in different colours red,yellow or blue.
Some are the sole dominators of their Solar System...Some are in pairs orbitting each other.
Coming together these stars Make up entire galaxies,huge cities of stars.


  1. I agree universe tends to infinity as in universe exists everywhere

  2. Stars they are everywhere and they rule the universe...
    5 hours later
    zzz , where was i ?
    Stars they are everywhere and they rule the universe
    5 mins later
    lets play pool!!
