All the valuable information i found has been shared here...feel free to comment and Kudos to the scientists and astronomers who found out the info for us

Monday, April 11, 2011

The inhabitants of the Huge Cosmic world

We already know that our solar system has:-
A sun----8 planets and their respective satellites...
We also know that our solar system is situated in the Milky Way Galaxy.
Also there are many such Galaxies which comprise our universe....!!
But is that all..?
well not quite there are many galactic bodies apart from suns and planets..
for example Quasars,White Dwarfs,Black Holes,Red Dwarfs,Neutron Stars,Pulsars,Magnetars....well even scientists dont know how many more exists...
This is Just a short Overview on them full information on them will be coming soon stay tuned...

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